Save up to 40%* with Sunwing/Signature Vacations.
Brighten up your winter with a Sunwing or Signature vacation. Brighten up your mood when you save up to 40%* off your holiday when you book with Flight Centre.
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*Conditions apply. Departing Toronto All advertised prices include taxes & fees. Package & hotel prices are per person, based on double occupancy for total length of stay unless otherwise stated. All-inclusive vacations include air. Prices are for select departure dates and are accurate and subject to availability at advertising deadline, errors and omissions excepted, and subject to change. Taxes & fees due in destination are additional and include, but not limited to resort fees and airline baggage fees. *Conditions apply. Save up to 40% on Sunwing and Signature all-inclusive packages. Offer is provided by supplier. Seats are limited and capacity controlled. All transportation and related taxes must be pre-paid. Local taxes payable at the destination are extra. Discounts vary based on availability and booking time. Discount will be reflected in system price. Additional conditions, set by supplier, may apply. Offer expires October 31, 2015.