Sunwing Airlines flight status

For the most up-to-date information on Sunwing flight arrivals and departures, special advisories, and any terminal or gate change, be sure to visit the convenient Sunwing Airlines flight status tracker before you head to the airport.
Sunwing Flight Information
Cheap Sunwing Flights with FlightCentre.ca
Even when you've done everything right, it's still possible for things to change. Whether it's an unexpected schedule, gate change, or urgent advisory, stay on top of your Sunwing flight's status before you arrive at the airport. Sign up for alert notifications with the Sunwing flight tracker feature and get flight status updates via text or e-mail.
Sunwing Airlines Departures & Arrivals
Be sure to check the Sunwing arrivals and departures page for the most up-to-date information on your flight status. This page allows you to view all flights that will be departing from or arriving at your airport within 48 hours. You can check your flight status one of two ways - with your departure date and departure/arrival city information, or with your flight number and departure date information.
Special Advisories
For more information on a particular flight status, Sunwing also posts urgent special advisories for more insight on schedule changes and delays.
If you've booked your Sunwing flight with Flight Centre, contact your travel agent with any questions or concerns about your flight status.

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